Friday, July 14, 2006

Guess what!

Hey You GUYS!!! (Bonus points if you can name the movie in which that line appears) I'm fairly excited, and do you know why? I get to preach this Sunday! Pastor has taken most of this week "off" to have some reading days for continuing education. Because he wanted to focus on the continuing ed, he didn't want to take time out to do sermon prep. So, he asked if I wanted to preach, to which I replied, "Yeah!" So, this Sunday it is. He will be leading the actual worship part, with the singing and kyrie and all of that good stuff. I just have to do the sermon. That's alright with me, though. The sermon is my favorite part to do, probably because I can't carry a tune in a bucket and so much of the liturgy is singing. I don't sing by myself in front of the congregation because I am so self-conscious about my singing. I'm hoping that they "teach" singing in seminary, or else I'm in some serious trouble... But anyway, I wrote the message Tuesday night. I'm pretty happy with it. I didn't have any of that usual, "Pastor is going to HATE this message and tell me what an awful job I did" feeling. Maybe it's because I have heard one statement a few different times lately. That statement is that, "God calls us to be confident in our baptism." I heard this last Sunday in Pastor's sermon, and then again on Monday, when I had my replacement Initial Interview. So, I think I've really taken that to heart. I even used it myself in the sermon. I'm happy with the message I've written. Pastor says it's nicely done. I'm happy with that.

In other news, I'm done with my summer class. We had the final yesterday. I don't know how I did. I got an A grade on everything up until then, but I think I might have blown it with the final. I was so tired after this week that I think my brain turned to mush. Oh well. The teacher grades pretty easily, so I shouldn't be too worried.

Oh yeah, my replacement Initial Interview, which I mentioned above, went fairly well. It was done over the phone because I already did one I.I. and they felt bad for making me do another one. The interviewer was the head of the Candidacy Committee, so he had all of my information and knew what kinds of questions to ask me. They were harder than the questions I was asked the first go around. At least now I'll be more able to reflect and think upon my history and what not and hopefully be more prepared for the Candidacy Committee Entrance Interview on the 29th. I'm excited. That is going to be ONE VERY BUSY DAY! I have to wake up around 5:30 so I can get ready to leave at about 6:00. I have to be at the synod headquarters at 8:00, have my interview, probably wait for them to say yeah or nay, and then drive home, get ready for a wedding, go to the wedding for which I am the reader and one of the people who passes out bulletins, go to the reception, come home, practice my sermon, and then go to sleep because I'm leading the whole worship service on the 30th because Pastor is going away. So, I'm excited with all that is coming up.

So, I'm keeping busy, keeping my name out of the papers, and trying to enjoy my summer. :) I hope you all are keepin' cool and bein' happy. :) Later.

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