I confess; I listen to Christian Contemporary Music. Some of it I like, some of it, I could really do without. But anyway, there are a few CCM radio stations that I am near enough to hear, and so my presets include the stations. Well, I'm sure as many of you know, October is Clergy Appreciation Month. Therefore, the stations air little blips telling us how we can make our appreciation for our pastors known. I've noticed something that bothers me though... On these commercials, the announcer says something along the lines of, "Here are some ways you can make your Pastor and his wife feel appreciated..." Or, "Your pastor. He's there with you..." Not once have I heard a statement that recognizes that women are pastors, too. And I thought, "Y'know... Maybe they're just saying 'him' as a generalization." But then I thought that they might later be more inclusive. But they're not. And it just kind of bugs me that even radio stations have become so right-wingish. I mean, really. There are many women out there who are very effective pastors. Just look at all the wonderful pastors at RevGalBlogPals and really, all over the Internet. It just bothers me that here we are in the year 2006, and some people can't get over the fact that God can and does call women into ministry. I know... It's just a radio blip. But still...
Another thing has been on my mind as well... In my senior experience class, there are some people who have been rather nit-picky about our professor. One of them went to her today and made "our" complaints known. This also bothers me because I don't have complaints about the professor. I don't like the class, but that's just because it makes me incredibly nervous. It's really the only thing that could cause me to not graduate. My other 2 classes aren't difficult at all. But, more importantly than this class making me nauseated, I think is the fact that some of the students present themselves as our spokespeople. And the one came into the room today and was talking to her friend and the friend said, "If you two are friends now, we can't be friends." That in itself bothered me, but then, the professor talked with us about "our" concerns for about half an hour and the second girl was acting all nicey-nice to the prof. It's just fake and I don't really like it. The half hour talk just drove home to me the point of just how unsettled conflict makes me feel. Conflict drains me. It is something I need to work on. Not all congregations can be as wonderful as the one to which I belong, and I don't want to go around feeling drained all the time. That just came up because the seminary application asked for the applicant to write an essay in which they discuss the things that energize/drain them... But, I could not think of anything at that time, so I just submitted my candidacy essay (which they said it perfectly fine on the application. I'm not a complete slacker). Anyway, those were just a few things I wanted to discuss. OH yeah, and I had PIZZA tonight for dinner! It was good. But now I have to go to bed because I have to drive my mother to the hospital tomorrow to have a procedure done. Bright and early. Yay... Not.
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