Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Just some useless blubbering

Hi. I'm really bored right now. I need to type some notes and email them to a classmate, but I'm a super-slacker. But anyway... Thanksgiving was good. I got to see my 2 1/2 year old nephew on Sunday. I think he very well could be the smartest/cutest kid in the entire world! Haha. He's adorable and he's so smart. He remembers the things that make the various people in his life laugh, and then does them when he sees them. An example of this is that my sisters and I laugh a lot when he does his fake gulp thing. So, I went into my house Sunday after church and he saw me from the kitchen and I could see him do his fake gulp. Then, after I got home from work (Bummer, I know, 4 hours away from that cuteness was torture) I was sitting in the living room when he came up to me, grabbed my hands and said, "Get up!" So I got up and he took me out to our piano. He climbed up on the bench, pushed some of the keys, turned to me, and said, "Loud!" So, I played him a little bit of chopsticks which he thought was funny. Then I said, "Listen to this!" and I played him the lowest key and the highest key and said, "That one sounds like a bear! And this one sounds like a little birdie!" And I did a big roar and a chirp chirp in sync with the keys. He thought that was funny, too. And then I played the lowest key and said, "Papa Bear," then the next octave higher and said "Mama Bear," and then the next higher and said, "Baby Bear." And then I said, "Where's Mama Bear?" And he pushed a key that was in the general area of the one I did. And he's only 2 1/2! I thought that was cute so I laughed. But, all good things must come to an end and they left at around 7:30 or so. I love that kid and it was wonderful to see him. I was very thankful that day for family. I try to be thankful every day for family, but sometimes it is difficult when you are a 23 year old female who commutes to college because living at home with Ma is cheaper than trying to go to school, work, and live on your own, but Ma treats you like you're still 12. But, at least she loves me and puts a roof over my head, so, I shouldn't complain. Anyway, that's it for now. I think later I am going to post some thoughts I had about Advent. But not now. Bye!

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